Order Online by Peugeot Introduced in 2017

Order Online by Peugeot Introduced in 2017

10 February 2017

The Order Online by Peugeot platform has been launched at the beginning of 2017 after around three years in development. This new update to the brand’s website allows customers to pass through every step of the car ordering process online.

While some other vehicle manufacturers also offer the ability to purchase cars online, Peugeot is the first which allows every step to be completed from the comfort of your own home, and that applies to all models. There’s no need to visit a dealership and cars can be customised to the consumer’s specific needs with just an internet connection required. It could revolutionise the way cars are purchased in the future.  

How Does It Work?

Ordering a new Peugeot can be done in four easy steps and in less than half an hour.

  1. Choose the car: Pick the model you want to buy, customising the colour, engine, trim and including any optional extras. Estimated delivery time and availability will be provided based on your choices.
  2. Part-exchange: If you wish to part-exchange your old car, tap in its details and an instant valuation will be given.
  3. Finance: Select the right finance package for you, with the finance calculator allowing your deposit, monthly payments and terms to be changed.
  4. Order: When you’re happy, finalise the transaction by filling in the last details such as whether you wish the car to be delivered, picked up and anything else.

You don’t need to order it in one go either, throughout the process all progress will be saved, with your unique Peugeot ID allowing you to go back to it if you’re unsure about some aspect of your order. Your new car can be collected for free from a Peugeot dealership such as any Robins and Day dealer or delivered to your home address for a maximum of £100.   

Will It Boost Car Sales?

It is too early to say, but with online shopping continuing to grow massively, predicted to be worth £645 billion in the UK, US, China and Germany markets by 2018, it is one of the main reasons many car brands are introducing online ordering options. Most car buyers spend a lot of time researching online before making a purchase anyway and this method of buying online includes full price transparency.

At first it is likely many buyers will be wary of purchasing a new car online, but it is acting on the changing consumer trends as more and more purchases are made online. Once people become comfortable with it, a growth in car sales could be seen.    

Could This Represent the Future of Buying Cars?

If successful, there could be a shift towards more new cars being bought online. Within the first month of the launch, three Robins & Day dealers have been chosen by customers to faciliate their Online Order. Many drivers will still want to take vehicles for a test drive and view it in person, so dealerships and physical sales will never disappear. However, as many trust manufacturers more, a lot of consumers may be tempted by the convenience and ease of ordering exactly what they want from a new vehicle online.

Time will tell how revolutionary the Order Online by Peugeot is, but it could represent the start of a big and exciting change in the auto industry.  

Images courtesy of iStock.


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